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EN В вопросах 1 – 13 рядом с каждым утверждением выберите одну цифру, наиболее соответствующую вашим представлениям от 1 до 10, где 1 – абсолютно не важно, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 – исключительно важно
1.Строить свою карьеру в пределах конкретной научной или технической сферы – 5 (где 5 представляет что-то среднее для вас, являясь, как важным, так и второстепенным)

В вопросах 14 – 20  Насколько Вы согласны с каждым из следующих утверждений?

Варианты ответов:

1 – совершенно не согласен, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 1 0 – полностью согласен

To build your career within a specific scientific (artistic) or technical (creative) field.
To monitor and control people, influence them at all levels.
To have the opportunity to do things on your own and not be limited by rules of any organization.
To work on tasks that seem to be almost unsolvable.
Create and build something that will be entirely your idea.
Use communication skills for the benefits of people and help people.
To continue to work within your profession, rather than obtaining higher position not related to your specialization.
Become a CEO of the company*.
To have a job not related to fixed schedules or organizational restrictions.
Compete with others and win.
To create new business enterprise.
To use your skills and abilities to make the world better.
To dedicate the whole life to the chosen profession.
To obtain high managerial position.
To have a job that represents maximum of freedom and autonomy in choosing the type of the activity, time management, etc.
The only goal in your career is to find and solve difficult problems regardless of where they are originated from.
You are always in search of new ideas that will enable you to create and start your own business.
To have ability to use your skills and abilities to serve an important goal.
You will only agree to managerial position if it is related to your sphere of professional competence.
You would like to achieve a position at an organization that would give you an opportunity to observe and integrate with other people’s work.
In your professional career, you prioritized most your freedom and autonomy.
Competition and winning are the most important and exciting aspects of your life.
Entrepreneurship is the central part of your career.
You were always looking for a job that could bring benefits to other people.
